Most of these tools are manual and will only export your data – they will not restore in the event of data loss. Salesforce provides numerous native tools that can be used to back up your data. Metadata backups are just as important! Native Salesforce Backup Solutions Just as it makes your bones chill thinking about mass deleting thousands of records, can you imagine overwriting a complex Apex trigger with no backup in place? This could include features such as custom fields, page layouts, Apex triggers, or any other part of Salesforce that you have customized. Metadata is the information about your configuration in Salesforce. When you think of a Salesforce Backup solution, you are probably thinking of backing up Salesforce records, but it’s also important to backup your metadata.

The most likely cause of losing data will come from user error and could be for one of the following reasons: While the possibility of Salesforce losing your data exists, this is not the primary reason you need a Salesforce Backup solution.

Why Do I Need a Salesforce Backup Solution?